Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Home Prices vs. Jobs

House Prices and Unemployment RateClick on image for larger graph 

Case Shiller analysis by Zerohedge

Unadjusted Case-Shiller data for February indicated that on a sequential basis the decline in home prices is accelerating. And this is even with every stimulus imaginable thrown at the problem. We can't wait to see what happens with the latest round of homebuyer subsidies runs out. As the press release states:
“Existing and new home sales, inventories and housing starts all show tremendous improvement in their March statistics. The homebuyer tax credit, available until the end of April, is the likely cause for these encouraging numbers and this may also flow through to some of our home price data in the next few months. Amidst all the news, however, we should also pay heed to foreclosure activity, which have reached their highest level in at least the last five years. As these homes are put up for sales, we may see some further dampening in home prices. ”

MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010

More on Housing

Prices +0.3% y/y, down 2% m/m...lots of seasonal noise. (Feb.)

Loan Performance House Price Index

But, Rental Vacancies remain elevated, indicating that there are still an excess of 1.7mm units in housing out there...

Rental Vacancy Rate

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